The Comma of Omission

There is a rule for commas called the "comma of omission." There are two parts to the rule.

1. When two sentences are parallel and have no conjunction between them, they are joined by a semicolon. When the verb is left out of the second one, use a comma to show the verb is missing.

...John earned $4,000; June earned $6,000.
...John earned $4,000; June, $6,000.

...I left at 5:00; my husband left at 5:30.
...I left at 5:00; my husband, at 5:30.

2. When two dependent elements would be linked by a coordinate conjunction but the conjunction is left out, use a comma between the elements to separate them. (This does not apply to independent clauses.)

...I looked for it in the garage and in the house.
...I looked for it in the garage, in the house.

...She was driving northbound on Palm and turned left at the corner.
...She was driving northbound on Palm, turned left at the corner. Happy punctuating! Margie