The Word "Please"

The punctuation for the word "please" varies according to its position in relation to what it modifies.

When it is at the beginning of the unit it modifies, use no punctuation after it.

...Please allow me to continue what I was saying.
...Please do not interrupt me.

When it is at the end of the unit it modifies, use a comma before it.

...Finish your thought, please.
...Leave it in the pile on the table, please.

When it is in the middle of the sentence, use a pair of commas or no commas, depending on its position in relation to what it modifies.

...Would you please stop interjecting your thoughts in the middle of my question.
...Try to please come with them next week.

...By the end of the day on Friday, please be sure these are on my desk.
...Before you say anything else, please consider the people present here.

...Will you send that to my office, please, by the 15th of the month.
...Pay attention to the details, please, so that we are sure to receive it in a timely manner.

Happy punctuating!
