
The answer to several questions about some words that are said is "It depends on how far you take the verbatim issue." What do I do if they say the word slash? Put the slash mark or the word? It depends on how far you take the verbatim issue. ...It is an "and, slash, or." ...It is an "and/or." What do I do if they say "cap" in the spelling of a name? Put the capital or the word? It depends on how far you take the verbatim issue. ...It is M-a-c capital D-o-n-a-l-d. ...It is M-a-c-D-o-n-a-l-d. What do I do if they say "dot" for the period in an email address? Put the period or the word? It depends on how far you take the verbatim issue. ...It is jealousy, dot, com. ...It is Happy punctuating! Margie