Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

Clauses, Part 2

When dependent clauses are joined by a coordinate conjunction, there is no comma because there is not an independent subject and verb after the conjunction. ...I was more concerned when I got ther...
Category_MWW Blog>General

Is It a Phrase or a Clause? It Matters

A dependent clause has a subject and a verb; a phrase does not. ...after lunch (phrase) ...after we ate lunch (clause) ...since Friday (phrase) ...since I left Friday (clause) ...before the sess...
Category_MWW Blog>General

The Word "That" -- Omitted

We have to be aware when the word "that" is omitted -- which usually makes something a dependent clause, needing no comma, rather than an independent clause, which would need a comma. ...Suppose ...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

Commas for an Adverb Clause in the Middle

When an adverb clause comes in the middle of what it modifies, it takes commas around it. When the element it modifies is inside another dependent clause, the adverb clause still takes commas aroun...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

Noun Clause as the Subject

Take a look at this next to yesterday's blog. Don't get them confused. When a noun clause is the subject of the sentence, do not separate it from the verb with punctuation. ...Whether he is atten...
Category_MWW Blog>General

Noun Clause out of Place

We generally start a sentence with the subject and verb and put direct objects and objects of prepositions later in the sentence. When these objects are clauses, they usually go after the verb. .....
Category_MWW Blog>General

Questions of the Day: "Because" and Email Addresses

These are two questions I have answered this morning: I hate "because" clauses. Does this get a comma? "I am not asking about conversations you had with your attorney because that's privileged. ...
Category_MWW Blog>Definitions

Is It a Phrase or a Clause? It Matters!

I want to get some terminology straight. I often see posts on Facebook that use the terms phrase and clause -- incorrectly. It is important to recognize the difference because whether something is ...