Category_MWW Blog>Numbers

Already a Unit = No Hyphen

When the word "dollars" is said and there are numbers above a million with the figure and the word, the dollar sign is used, and the combination is considered to be a unit and uses no hyphen. (NOTE...
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

"Full-Time" and "Part-Time"

These two words are hyphenated in the dictionary as adjectives and adverbs. However, as we know, the adjective form in the dictionary is the direct adjective form, i.e., the form right in front of ...
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

Adding the Suffix "-wise"

The rule for adding suffixes is to add them directly to the word to form a solid word. The suffix -wise normally follows this rule. ...We placed it lengthwise along the edge. ...Otherwise, he will...
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

And If the Letter-for-Letter Spelling Is Interrupted...

There is a question about the blog from earlier in the week: What happens when the spelling is interrupted or picks up midword? It is important to remember that the hyphen goes with the letter tha...
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

Why Does "Direct Examination" Not Have a Hyphen?

"Cross-examine" is a verb. As with all words that have a prefix "cross," the word is hyphenated. The noun that comes from it is also hyphenated. There is no verb "direct examine"; therefore, there ...
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

Hyphenating Adjectives

Remember that the dictionary does not make a distinction for adjectives in regard to hyphenating. The dictionary gives the "direct adjective," right in front of the noun, form only. So if you look ...
More on Hyphens
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

More on Hyphens

Remember that hyphenating words in front of a noun is done to indicate those words form a unit. ...long-range plans... ...old-fashioned ideas... ...five-month-old baby... When the words are alrea...
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

The Prefix "Co-"

The rule is to add the prefix to the front of the word and make a solid word. The prefix "co-" has generally been an exception to this rule and has been hyphenated. I would say that it is "in trans...
Category_MWW Blog>General

The Prefix "Re-"

We add a prefix to a word to make a solid word unless there is already a word with that spelling and a different meaning. This occurs most often with the prefix "re-." ...She promises to work to r...