Category_MWW Blog>General

English Review...

I am doing a five-hour English review on February 7 and 8. This course is designed for those taking certification exams but is open to anyone who wants to improve English skills. We will cover gram...
Category_MWW Blog>General

"If" versus "Whether"

When the grammar in a sentence calls for a noun clause -- e.g., direct object, object of the infinitive, object of the preposition -- the clause has to begin with whether, not if. ...I don't know ...
Category_MWW Blog>General

The Skinny on "Past" and "Passed"

Someone on FB asked about these. This is from my new book that is coming out this fall: Word Pares, Pears, Pairs. It will be some 3,000 pairs defined with examples. passed Past tense and past par...
Category_MWW Blog>Definitions

Is It a Phrase or a Clause? It Matters!

I want to get some terminology straight. I often see posts on Facebook that use the terms phrase and clause -- incorrectly. It is important to recognize the difference because whether something is ...
Category_MWW Blog>General

Welcome to "Margie Holds Court"

As I launch this blog, Margie Holds Court, it is my hope that it will be a place where we can share our love of this language. As I approach the winding down of my teaching career -- I started as ...